November's record numbers
In November, a record-breaking level of interest in Turkey Trots drove traffic on to over half a million users. An all-time high.
Here are three insights from last month that we'd like to share with you...
Top 3 on RSU
According to, in November was one of the top 3 sources of referral traffic to its event websites. Confirmation that we are not just sending traffic to race websites, but traffic that converts into bookings.
Regardless of which registration platform you use, with RSU having a ~50% market share, it's a very strong indicator of findarace's ability to capture online interest at the top of the sales funnel and convert it into bookings.
520,427 the number of sessions on in the month of November. 217% up on the same period in 2023.
Traffic will undoubtedly continue to follow the annual trends, with its peaks in November and early January, but overall we expect to see year-on-year growth continue (currently tracking at 296% for 2024 ytd).
'Turkey Trots near me''s organic search performance is second to none. Findarace is returned as the top search result for hundreds of generic search terms, including 'turkey trots near me', '5k near me', 'half marathon february', '10k miami', etc.
'What does it mean for Race Organisers?
With the busiest time of the year just around the corner, make sure to get all your events listed ready for the New Year!
There are still a few 'Boost' spaces left for January too. Boosts are our most effective promotional tool, putting events at the top of the results and maximising visibility. More info on Boosts can be found here.
To discuss Boost promotions, contact [email protected].
image: Granville Island Turkey Trot. © Jordan Leigh / RUNVAN®
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