Cycling Found In Arizona

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Cycling Found in Arizona 2025 - 2026

Full of stunning mountain climbs and long open roads Arizona is the perfect place to take on a Gran Fondo. Search our comprehensive listings of bike races in Arizona 2025 - 2026. Gran Fondos or ‘big rides’ began in Italy. They are normally non-competitive bike rides over distances ranging from 30 to 300 miles. The most common distances are 50 mile, 75 mile and 100 mile bike rides. These cycle rides are the perfect way to find a new route and experience the incredible terrain of the Grand Canyon State. Arizona has some world famous climbs, Mount Lemmon has become a particular trophy for professional KOM hunters. Why not give it a go yourself at the Mt. Lemmon Hill Climb event or if you’re after a little more variety then how about the Tour de Tucson and join nearly 7000 other riders to help you through the climbs. Whichever event you choose you’re almost guaranteed great snacks and drinks with the spread on offer being a key part of any long bike race. Check out our exhaustive 2025 - 2026 Arizona Gran Fondos calendar list below, and use our month, distance and terrain filters to find your next challenge.

Race Calendar: Cycling Found In Arizona