West Michigan Latino Health 5k Walk/Run

  • Date Sat 23rd August 2025
  • Time 9:00AM EDT
  • Location Grand Rapids, Michigan
  • Price $27.85
  • Races 1 race
  • Distances 5km

Event summary

Join us for the vibrant West Michigan Latino Health 5k Walk/Run on Saturday, August 23, 2025, in the heart of Grand Rapids, Kent! This exciting event kicks off at 9:00 AM at Roosevelt Park and aims to promote physical activity and wellness within the Hispanic community. With a focus on combating health issues such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension, participants of all ages are encouraged to lace up their running shoes or walk the course.

Whether you're a seasoned runner or a casual walker, this event welcomes everyone to take part in a fun and supportive atmosphere. Plus, if you gather a group of four, you can enjoy a discount of $5 off per person when you register together! Don’t miss out on the chance to receive a race shirt by registering before August 8, 2025. Get ready for an unforgettable day dedicated to health, community, and celebrating Latino culture, all while making strides toward a healthier future!

Organiser's Description

The purpose is to promote physical activity and wellness in the Hispanic community as a means to improve health and foster community,

This walk/run starts and finishes at ROOSEVELT PARK. The walk/run starts at 9:00 AM.

A Health and Wellness promotion with focus on the Hispanic community that has higher instances of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and strokes. The reason for highest amount of chronic diseases in the Hispanic community has been attributed to poor diets and lack of physical activity.

GROUP PRICING AVAILABLE If you have a group of 4, sign up as a group/team to get $5 off per person! You must register all 4 teammates at the same time in order to receive the discount. Register Group Here: https://runsignup.com/RaceGroups/36786

Volunteer Opportunities
We offer a variety of volunteer positions and time slots. Shirts and food are given to volunteers at the event. Volunteers must be able to attend a Zoom training the week of the event (TBD). Please visit this link to view

Register by August 8, 2025 at midnight to guarantee your race shirt. Participants that register on or after August 9, 2024 are not guaranteed a shirt, available while supplies last. Shirts are not guaranteed for racers that are not present for the event. Participants 13 and up will receive a shirt. Participants 12 and under may purchase a shirt and will receive a finishing medal.

Packet Pick-up
August 22, 2025. 3:00pm-7:00pm. Corewell Health Healthier Communities - More Life Mas Vida, 1357 Cesar Chavez Ave Grand Rapids, MI 49503. Race Day
registration/pick-up starting at 7:00am, Roosevelt Park 739 Van Raalte SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503.
*Participants must be present to receive bib at packet pick up.

Please Note
Walking the course is welcomed, but participants must complete the route within 90 MINUTES.
Weather conditions vary from year to year, so dress appropriately.
In case of severe weather, event directors reserve the right to CANCEL WITHOUT REFUND.

Mark yourself as "Going" and share the event with your friends on Facebook Facebook Event Page [https://www.facebook.com/share/h1reRsNH3EeJ8DKx/]
Train with us and discuss getting ready in our Facebook Group! West Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Latino Health 5k Facebook Group [https://www.facebook.com/groups/672395967182692]

El prop'osito es promover la actividad f'isica y el bienestar en la comunidad hispana como un medio para mejorar la salud y fomentar la comunidad,

Esta caminata/carrera comienza y termina en Roosevelt Park. La caminata/carrera comienza a las 9:00 am.

Una promoci'on de Salud y Bienestar con enfoque en la comunidad hispana que tiene mayores 'indices de obesidad, diabetes, hipertensi'on, colesterol alto y accidentes cerebrovasculares. La raz'on de la mayor cantidad de enfermedades cr'onicas en la comunidad hispana se ha atribuido a la mala alimentaci'on y la falta de actividad f'isica.

Precios grupales disponibles Si tienes un grupo de 4 personas, reg'istrate como grupo/equipo para obtener $5 de descuento por persona. Debes registrar a los 4 compa~neros de equipo al mismo tiempo para poder recibir el descuento. Registre el grupo aqu'i: https://runsignup.com/RaceGroups/36786

Ofrecemos una variedad de puestos de voluntariado y franjas horarias. Se entregan camisetas y comida a los voluntarios en el evento. Los voluntarios deben poder asistir a una capacitaci'on de Zoom la semana del evento (por determinar). Visite este enlace para ver la informaci'on y el registro de voluntarios.

Reg'istrese antes del 8 de agosto de 2025 a la medianoche para garantizar su camiseta de carrera. Los participantes que se registren a partir del 9 de agosto de 2024 no tienen garantizada una camiseta, disponible hasta agotar existencias. Las camisetas no est'an garantizadas para los corredores que no est'en presentes en el evento. Los participantes de 13 a~nos en adelante recibir'an una camiseta. Los participantes menores de 12 a~nos podr'an comprar una camiseta y recibir'an una medalla final.

22 de agosto de 2025. 15:00-19:00 horas. Corewell Health Comunidades m'as saludables - More Life Mas Vida, 1357 Cesar Chavez Ave Grand Rapids, MI 49503. D'ia de la carrera
registro/recogida a partir de las 7:00 a. m., Roosevelt Park 739 Van Raalte SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503.
*Los participantes deben estar presentes para recibir el dorsal en el momento de la recogida del paquete.

Se invita a recorrer el recorrido a pie, pero los participantes deben completar la ruta en un plazo de 90 minutos.
Las condiciones clim'aticas var'ian de un a~no a otro, as'i que v'istase apropiadamente.
En caso de mal tiempo, los directores del evento se reservan el derecho de cancelar sin reembolso.

M'arcate como "Asistiendo" y comparte el evento con tus amigos en Facebook P'agina de eventos de Facebook
!Entr'enate con nosotros y discute c'omo prepararte en nuestro grupo de Facebook! C'amara de Comercio Hispana del Oeste de Michigan Grupo de Facebook Latino Health 5k


  • West Michigan Hispanic 5K Walk/Run

    Incl. $2.85 Fee & T-Shirt

    Sat 23rd August 2025 (9:00AM EDT)



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Roosevelt Park, 739 Van Raalte SW, Grand Rapids, 49503, MI, United States

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Aug 23, 2025
