2025 Waco Sports Corporate Cup Presented by Ascension Providence

  • Date Sat 12th April 2025 - Sat 7th June 2025
  • Time 5:30PM CDT
  • Location Waco, Texas
  • Price Free
  • Races 10 races
  • Distances 5km

Last chance to enter

Race day is fast approaching

Event summary

Get ready for an exhilarating experience at the 2025 Waco Sports Corporate Cup, taking place from April 12 to June 7, 2025, at the beautiful McLennan Community College in Waco, Texas! This unique co-ed field day invites teams from various companies to compete in a series of fun, ultimate challenges designed to foster teamwork and camaraderie. Participants will engage in exciting events such as cornhole, tug-of-war, football toss, dodgeball, and even a Light Up the Dark 5K, ensuring there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

The main event on June 7 promises to be a spectacular showcase of sportsmanship and community spirit as teams vie for the coveted Corporate Cup. Not only will you have the chance to cheer for your colleagues, but you'll also be contributing to a good cause, as proceeds from the event will positively impact the local community. So gather your coworkers, get ready to rally your team spirit, and mark your calendars for this can't-miss event that combines competitive fun with heartwarming kindness!

Organiser's Description

The Waco Sports Corporate Cup, presented by Ascension Providence, is a one-of-a-kind co-ed field day for adults where teams face off in ultimate challenges to win the coveted cup! This event is more than just a test of athletic skillit's an opportunity to connect, build camaraderie, and earn points for your company!

The Waco Sports Corporate Cup features an annual Charity Challenge as part of the competition. Waco Sports is excited to partner with TBD to combine competitive fun with heartwarming kindness, making a positive impact on our community while enjoying the event.

Proceeds from the Corporate Cup will

The 2025 Corporate Cup will take place live and in person on June 7th at MCC!

This is a great way for your employees to experience team building and camaraderie while participating in several different events. From cornhole to KanJam, tug-of-war, football toss, running and walking, dodgeball, and basketball- there is truly something for everyone!

2025 Corporate Cup Pricing:
Division 1 (251+ employees): $1,800

Division 2 (51-250 employees): $1,200

Division 3 (0-50 employees): $450

Tailgate Space (must purchase a minimum of 2, maximum of 5 allowed): $400 ea

Event/Competition Sponsor: starting at $12,000 (includes team entry + three (3) tailgate spaces + many sponsor benefits, please contact Dorsena Picknell for more details by emailing [email protected])

To register your team, select your division from the menu at the top of the page and click "Create a New Team".

Key Dates:

November 4, 2024: Early Team Registration

February 10: Light Up the Dark 5K Registration Opens

February 17: 3v3 Basketball Tournament Registration Opens

March 1: Charity Challenge Starts

March 10: Participant Registration Opens

March 19 12 1 PM: Charity Challenge Seminar #1

April 9: Light Up the Dark 5K Registration Closes

April 12: Light Up the Dark 5K powered by Waco Sports (Location: Cameron Park Zoo)

April 18: 3v3 Basketball Tournament Registration Closes

April 23 12 1 PM: Charity Challenge Seminar #2

April 25: 3v3 Basketball Tournament (Location: Midway High School)

April, TBD: T-shirt Design Submission Deadline

May 1 25: T-shirt Contest Public Voting Period

May 7: Team Registration Closes

May 14: Team Payments Due

May 16: Charity Challenge Ends

May 28 29: Team Captain Meetings (Location TBD)

Division 1 TBD

Division 2 TBD

Division 3 TBD

June 1: Participant Registration Closes & T-shirt Contest Public Voting Period Ends

June 6/7: Team Tailgate Load-In (Location: MCC McLennan Community College)

June 7: 2025 Waco Sports Corporate Cup, Main Event (MCC McLennan Community College)

June 7: 2025 Waco Sports Corporate Cup, Main Event (MCC - McLennan Community College)


Companies can purchase tailgate spots in the designated zones through the Team Captain Store. Tailgating isn't for the faint of heart and it's definitely a popularity contest! Judges will be roaming the area to crown teams with the best set-up, d'ecor, themes and overall spirit! So, fire up the grill, get that playlist ready and start coordinating your flash mob!

Per MCC Campus policy, no pets are allowed on the softball and baseball fields - inside the fenced stadium area.

Assigned tailgate locations will be shared one month prior to event.

Corporate Cup Contact Info

If you have any questions about this Corporate Cup, please contact the Corporate Cup director at [email protected]

Sport Coordinators - TBD

Refund Policy
Last Updated: July 25, 2024

All sales are considered final. We do not offer refunds or exchanges for any events or company registrations sold through RunSignUp by the Greater Waco Sports Commission. This policy includes if the event is impacted or cancelled due to weather, a natural disaster, or other unforeseen circumstances.

Non-Refundable Items or Services
All items or services purchased from Greater Waco Sports Commission are non-refundable unless otherwise specified in writing by Greater Waco Sports Commission. This policy applies but is not limited to:

Team Registration Fee's
Team Tailgate Space(s)
Team Captain Store Items

Exceptions to the No Refund Policy

The only exceptions to our No Refund Policy include:

Government policy that restricts the event organizer (Greater Waco Sports Commission) from hosting the event and providing participate experience as sold to companies. This includes but not limited to the WHO and other health governing bodies that restrict the gathering of individuals for an event (ex. COVID-19 Pandemic).

Incomplete Service: If a purchased team registration, tailgate space, and/or team store order is not fully delivered or does not meet the predefined criteria as advertised, a partial or full refund may be considered. Legal Requirements: Following applicable laws, any other conditions or circumstances where we are legally required to offer a refund will be honored.

For any questions or concerns regarding this No Refund Policy, please contact us at:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 254.757.5638

We reserve the right to modify this No Refund Policy at any time, effective upon posting of an updated version on our website. Please regularly check the Corporate Cup RunSignUp webpage for updates.


  • Light Up the Dark 5K

    Sat 12th April 2025 (5:30PM CDT)


    Participants per Division: D1: Unlimited Number of Participants D2: Unlimited Number of Participants D3: Unlimited Number of Participants *no gender requirements* Event Format Eight age divisions (12 & under, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+). Point System There will be three ways to earn points for your organization in this event. Team Participation The first is through team participation, in which you will receive 25 points if you meet the minimum requirement on participants. For D1 it will be 7 runners, for D2 5 runners, and for D3 3 runners. Team Points D1: Each team must have at least seven (7) runners in order to qualify for team points. D2: Each team must have at least five (5) runners in order to qualify for team points D3: Each team must have at least three (3) runners in order to qualify for team points. 75 points will be awarded to the 1st place team, 65 points will be awarded to the 2nd place team and points will move down incrementally by 10 until the 7th place team has been awarded 15 points. All teams that finish 8th place and below will be awarded 10 points. Individual Points 5, 4, and 3 points will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place male and female runners in each of the 8 age divisions. *Runners must complete the race to meet the participant threshold for points* *There is a separate fee per participant for this race ($25). You must sign up on the Light Up The Dark RunSign Up as well as the Corporate Cup page* Packet/Bib Pickup Date TBD Location: Cameron Park Zoo
  • Baylor University 3v3 Basketball

    Fri 25th April 2025 (5:30PM CDT)


    Participants per Division: D1: 3 + 2 subs max of 5 (D1 companies are allowed to enter 2 teams for this event) D2: 3 + 2 subs max of 5 D3: 3 + 2 subs max of 5 *no gender requirements* Event Format The tournament will be a single elimination bracket format. Games will be played in running time. Players may sub on and off only while their team is in-bounding, in case of injury, or during a timeout. Teams will be given a short warm-up on the competition court prior to each game. Teams will advance in their brackets until a winner emerges. Equipment (Provided) Mens regulation size 29.5 circumference basketball Point System TBD Location: Midway High School
  • Football Throw

    Sat 7th June 2025 (8:00AM CDT)


    Participants per Division: D1: 4, minimum of 1 female D2: 4, minimum of 1 female D3: 3, no gender requirements Event Format One at a time, each team member will throw 3 footballs at a target. Equipment (Provided) Football Point System 100 points will be awarded to the 1st place team, 90 points will be awarded to the 2nd place team and points will move down incrementally by 10 until the 9th place team has been awarded 20 points. All teams that finish 10th place and below will be awarded 10 points. Location: MCC
  • Sturdisteel Golf Chipping

    Sat 7th June 2025 (8:00AM CDT)


    Participants per Division: D1: 4, minimum of 1 female D2: 4, minimum of 1 female D3: 3, minimum of 1 female Event Format One at a time, team members will chip 5 balls from a distance into progressively larger circles surrounding a flag. Points will be awarded based on the ring in which your shots come to rest. The on-deck team will get an opportunity to practice chipping balls on a different part of the field. Competitors will provide their own golf clubs. Equipment (Provided) Standard golf balls, Turf mat Point System 100 points will be awarded to the 1st place team, 90 points will be awarded to the 2nd place team and points will move down incrementally by 10 until the 9th place team has been awarded 20 points. All teams that finish 10th place and below will be awarded 10 points. Location: MCC
  • 4x100 Relay

    Sat 7th June 2025 (8:00AM CDT)


    Participants per Division: D1: 4, minimum of 1 female D2: 4, minimum of 1 female D3: 4, minimum of 1 female Event Format Each member of the relay team will run a distance of 100 meters before handing a baton off to their teams next positioned runner until each teams last positioned runner (anchor runner) has crossed the finish line. All races are timed finals, no preliminary heats. Equipment (Provided) Baton Point System 100 points will be awarded to the 1st place team, 90 points will be awarded to the 2nd place team and points will move down incrementally by 10 until the 9th place team has been awarded 20 points. All teams that finish 10th place and below will be awarded 10 points. Location: MCC
  • KWTX Cornhole

    Sat 7th June 2025 (8:00AM CDT)


    Participants per Division: D1: 2, minimum of 1 female (D1 companies are allowed to enter 2 teams for this event) D2: 2, minimum of 1 female D3: 2, minimum of 1 female Event Format The tournament bracket will be single elimination format. Teams will take turns pitching corn bags at the cornhole board until a team reaches the score of 21 or whoever is in the lead after the per game time limit. Points are kept according to cancellation scoring. In cancellation scoring, the points of one team cancel out the points of their opponent. Using this method, only one team can score in each frame. A corn bag in the hole scores 3 points, while one on the board scores 1 point. Equipment (Provided) Cornhole Boards and Bags Point System TBD Location: MCC
  • Kan Jam (Frisbee)

    Sat 7th June 2025 (8:00AM CDT)


    Participants per Division: D1: 2, minimum of 1 female (D1 companies are allowed to enter 2 teams for this event) D2: 2, minimum of 1 female D3: 2, minimum of 1 female Event Format The tournament will be single elimination bracket format. Teams will take turns throwing frisbees at the target (Kan Jam goals) until a team reaches the score of 21 or whoever is in the lead after the per game time limit. Teams will take turns throwing, with one team member being a thrower while the other teammate is a deflector who has the chance to earn 1 point for the team if redirected in the goal. Goals and frisbee throws will be 35 feet away and a frisbee that enters the top of the goal is worth 3 points, a frisbee that hits the goal is worth 2 points, and a frisbee slapped or deflected in by the deflector is worth 1 point. If a frisbee is thrown into the goals slot, that team automatically wins the match. Teams must score exactly 21 points to win. Teams will receive a scoring penalty based on the number of points scored on that throw. (For example, if you have 20 points and score 2 instead of 1, your score would be reduced to 18. If you have 19 points and score 3 instead of 1, your score would be reduced to 16.) Teams get 2 throws each (one per teammate) then rotate to allow the opposing team to do the same.Teams must score exactly 21 points to win. Teams will receive a scoring penalty based on the number of points scored on that throw. (For example, if you have 20 points and score 2 instead of 1, your score would be reduced to 18. If you have 19 points and score 3 instead of 1, your score would be reduced to 16.) Teams get 2 throws each (one per teammate) then rotate to allow the opposing team to do the same. For more info, please visit - https://www.kanjam.com/faq Equipment (Provided) Kan Jam & Frisbees Point System TBD Location: MCC
  • Tug-O-War

    Sat 7th June 2025 (8:00AM CDT)


    Participants per Division: D1: 8, minimum of 4 females (D1 companies are allowed to enter 2 teams for this event) D2: 6, minimum of 3 females D3: 4, minimum of 2 females Event Format The competition will be single elimination. The winning team must pull the losing team across a designated line so that the rope marker crosses the line. Rubber or plastic cleats and gloves are allowed. No metal spikes are allowed. Participants must stay on their feet and not sit, kneel, or lie down. The rope must not wrap around any participant. Winning teams will continue to advance in their division until the overall winner has been declared. Equipment (Provided) Rope Point System TBD Location: MCC
  • Dodgeball

    Sat 7th June 2025 (8:00AM CDT)


    Participants per Division: D1: 4, minimum of 1 female (D1 companies are allowed to enter 2 teams for this event) D2: 4, minimum of 1 female D3: 4, minimum of 1 female Event Format 4 players (1 of whom must be female) will start each game. Matches are best-of-3 and the tournament is single elimination. Each game will have a time limit after which the team with the most players still on the court will win. Catching a ball does allow a team member to be sub/added back in the game. If teams have the same number of players then the game will go into sudden death where the first team to get an opposing player out will win. The object of the game is to eliminate all opposing players by getting them OUT. This may be done by hitting an opposing player with a LIVE thrown ball below the shoulders or by catching a LIVE ball thrown by your opponent before it touches the ground. There will be a violation for either team to control a ball for a TBD amount of time. Equipment (Provided) Dodgeballs Point System TBD Location: MCC
  • 1K Walk

    Sat 7th June 2025 (8:00AM CDT)


    Participants per Division: D1: Unlimited Number of Participants D2: Unlimited Number of Participants D3: Unlimited Number of Participants Event Format All participants can walk the course, no participation cap, however only 25 finishers from each team will be awarded 4 points with a maximum opportunity of 100 team points. *D3 teams will be assigned to have only 10 finishers allowed to earn 10 points each with the maximum opportunity of 100 points allowed. All participants can walk the course, no participation cap.* Point System Teams will be awarded 4 (10 for D3) for each employee that finishes the walk for a total 100 (point maximum per team). Participants must have a number from which the tab will be collected at the finish line. Family, friends and other employees are encouraged to join their participating walker, but only 25 (10 for D3) employees will be scored. Family, friends, and other employees are encouraged to join their participating walker, but only 25 employees will be scored. Location: MCC


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McLennan Community College, 1236 Cameron Drive, Waco, 76708, TX, United States

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Apr 12, 2025
