Azalea Classic

  • Date Sat 10th May 2025
  • Time 8:30AM EDT
  • Location University Park, Maryland
  • Price $16.90 - $32.80
  • Races 3 races
  • Distances 5km, 1km, 1 Mile

Event summary

Get ready for a day of fun and fitness at the Azalea Classic on Saturday, May 10, 2025, in University Park, Prince George's! This community-centric event is perfect for families and runners of all levels, featuring a USATF-sanctioned 5K, a 1-Mile Challenge Run, and a 1K Family Fun Run. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just looking to enjoy a day outdoors, there's a race for everyone!

Join fellow community members as you run, walk, or cheer on your friends and family, all while supporting the University Park Elementary School programs. With activities rain or shine, and dogs and strollers welcome, it's sure to be a memorable experience for all. Don’t forget to register early to take advantage of discounted rates and make the most of this fantastic event!

Organiser's Description


Join the University Park, MD community on Saturday May 10, 2025, for family-friendly fun and fitness! The Azalea Classic has a race for everyone! Choose from our USATF-sanctioned 5K, our 1-Mile Challenge Run, or our 1K Family Fun Run. The event is organized by the University Park Elementary School (UPES) Parent Teacher Association. All proceeds benefit programs at the school. It will take place rain or shine. Dogs and strollers welcome.


!'Unete a la comunidad de University Park, MD, el s'abado 10 de mayo de 2025, para un d'ia de diversi'on y fitness para toda la familia! !El Azalea Classic tiene una carrera para todos! Elige entre nuestra carrera de 5 km sancionada por USATF, nuestro Desaf'io de 1 milla o nuestra Carrera Familiar de 1 km. El evento es organizado por la Asociaci'on de Padres y Maestros de la Escuela Primaria de University Park (UPES). Todos los ingresos benefician los programas de la escuela. El evento se llevar'a a cabo, llueva o truene. Se permiten perros y coches de beb'e.


Like last year we'd like to encourage everyone to register early! 5K racers registering by APRIL 19 will pay $30 plus processing fees. The 5K price will go up to $35 plus processing fees on APRIL 20, to $45 plus processing fees on packet pick-up day, Friday, May 9, and to $50 plus processing fees for walk-in registrations on race day. This is due to our increased cost for last-minute supplies and labor. The 1K and 1-mile price will be $15 throughout the registration period until race day, when they will go up to $25. If you register four or more people together, each registration will receive a $5 discount. Individuals signing up for multiple events will also receive a discount. We encourage all our UPES families to register for our event--IF THE COST IS A PROBLEM, PLEASE EMAIL [email protected] or SEE MS. NEFF.

To sponsor the race as a Family Sponsor this year and get your name on the back of the shirt, please make a donation in the amount of $120 (or more) on the race's donate page. If you are registering for the race, the option to donate/sponsor will happen during the registration process. If you do not want to register for the race and only want to sponsor, you can do so from this page by clicking "donate" on the left. If you select a donation "On Behalf of" and choose "Other," you can enter your name as it should appear on the shirt. We can only accept family sponsors UNTIL APRIL 19.


Al igual que el a~no pasado, !queremos animar a todos a registrarse temprano! Los corredores de la carrera de 5K que se inscriban antes del 19 de abril pagar'an $30 m'as las tarifas de procesamiento. El precio de la 5K aumentar'a a $35 m'as tarifas de procesamiento el 20 de abril, luego subir'a a $45 m'as tarifas de procesamiento el viernes 9 de mayo, d'ia de recogida de paquetes, y a $50 m'as tarifas de procesamiento para las inscripciones en persona el d'ia de la carrera. Esto se debe a nuestros mayores costos de suministros y mano de obra de 'ultima hora. El precio para las carreras de 1K y 1 milla ser'a de $15 durante todo el per'iodo de inscripci'on, y subir'a a $25 el d'ia de la carrera. Si inscribes a cuatro o m'as personas juntas, cada inscripci'on recibir'a un descuento de $5. Las personas que se inscriban en varios eventos tambi'en recibir'an un descuento. Animamos a todas nuestras familias de UPES a registrarse en nuestro evento; si el costo es demasiado caro, por favor env'ia un correo electr'onico a [email protected] O HABLA CON LA SRA. NEFF.

Para patrocinar la carrera como Family Sponsor este a~no y que tu nombre aparezca en la parte trasera de la camiseta, por favor haz una donaci'on de $120 (o m'as) en la p'agina de donaciones de la carrera. Si te est'as registrando para la carrera, la opci'on de donar/patrocinar aparecer'a durante el proceso de inscripci'on. Si no deseas inscribirte en la carrera y solo quieres patrocinar, puedes hacerlo desde esta p'agina haciendo clic en "donar" a la izquierda. Si seleccionas una donaci'on "En nombre de" y eliges "Otro," puedes ingresar tu nombre tal como deber'ia aparecer en la camiseta. Solo podemos aceptar patrocinadores de familias hasta mediados DEL 19 DE ABRIL.


Packet pick-up will be held on May 9 from 2pm until 6:30pm and on May 10 (race day) from 7am until the race begins. UPES students will be given the opportunity to pick up their shirts during the school day, but will not be able to pick up for their family members. This year, SHIRTS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED ON A FIRST-COME-FIRST-SERVED BASIS during packet pick-up. If you pick up your packet on Saturday morning, we may not have your desired size or have run out of shirts.

Runners, walkers, and town residents should be prepared for street closures beginning at 7am along the race route. Parking can often be found along the following streets, but we encourage everyone to walk, bike, and/or take public transportation whenever possible:

* 4300 Block Underwood St
* 6500-6600 Block of 44th Ave
* 4200 Block of Tuckerman St
* On 41st Ave and Queens Chapel Rd

La recogida de paquetes se llevar'a a cabo el 9 de mayo de 2:00 p.m. a 6:30 p.m., y el 10 de mayo (d'ia de la carrera) desde las 7:00 a.m. hasta que comience la carrera. Los estudiantes de UPES tendr'an la oportunidad de recoger sus camisetas durante el horario escolar, pero no podr'an recoger para sus familiares. ESTE A~NO, LAS CAMISETAS SE DISTRIBUIR'AN POR ORDEN DE LLEGADA DURANTE LA RECOGIDA DE PAQUETES. Si recoges tu paquete el s'abado por la ma~nana, es posible que no tengamos tu talla deseada o que nos hayamos quedado sin camisetas.


Corredores, caminantes y residentes de la ciudad deben estar preparados para los cierres de calles que comenzar'an a las 7:00 a.m. a lo largo de la ruta de la carrera. A menudo se puede encontrar estacionamiento en las siguientes calles, pero recomendamos a todos caminar, andar en bicicleta o utilizar el transporte p'ublico siempre que sea posible:

* 4300 Block Underwood St
* 6500-6600 Block of 44th Ave
* 4200 Block of Tuckerman St
* On 41st Ave and Queens Chapel Rd

Still have questions? For more information, see []or email [email protected]. ?Tienes m'as preguntas? Para m'as informaci'on, visita [] o env'ia un correo electr'onico a [email protected].


  • Azalea Classic 5K

    Incl. $2.80 Fee & T-Shirt

    Sat 10th May 2025 (9:00AM EDT)


    This event takes place on the beautiful residential streets of University Park and College Heights Estates, MD. Often lined with cheering fans and blooming azaleas, all streets are closed to traffic during the races. Este evento se lleva a cabo en las hermosas calles residenciales de University Park y College Heights Estates, Maryland. A menudo, las calles est'an llenas de aficionados que animan y azaleas en flor; todas las calles est'an cerradas al tr'afico durante las carreras.
  • Val Creighton 1K Family Fun Run

    Incl. $1.90 Fee & T-Shirt

    Sat 10th May 2025 (8:45AM EDT)


    Mrs. Creighton was a beloved teacher at UPES for 15 years until her death in 2008. The Family Fun Run is named in her honor because Mrs. Creighton developed lifetime friendships with both the staff and community. This event is the most family-friendly of all the races, at just 1K along Queens Chapel Road. La Sra. Creighton fue una maestra muy querida en UPES durante 15 a~nos hasta su fallecimiento en 2008. La Carrera Familiar Divertida lleva su nombre en honor a la Sra. Creighton, quien desarroll'o amistades de por vida tanto con el personal como con la comunidad. Este evento es el m'as amigable para las familias de todas las carreras, con solo 1K a lo largo de Queens Chapel Road.
  • 1-Mile Challenge Run

    Incl. $1.90 Fee & T-Shirt

    Sat 10th May 2025 (8:30AM EDT)


    Challenge yourself for a personal best in this 1-mile challenge run up and down the length of Queens Chapel Road. Desaf'iate a ti mismo para lograr tu mejor marca personal en esta carrera de 1 milla, subiendo y bajando a lo largo de Queens Chapel Road


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University Park Elementary School, 4315 Underwood Street, University Park, 20782, MD, United States

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May 10, 2025

$16.90 - $32.80