The Rugged Red Trail Half Marathon

  • Date Sat 4th October 2025
  • Time 12:00AM EDT
  • Location Slade, Kentucky
  • Price Free - $78.10
  • Races 3 races
  • Distances Half Marathon

Event summary

Get ready to lace up your running shoes for the 10th Anniversary of The Rugged Red Trail Half Marathon, taking place on Saturday, October 4, 2025, in the beautiful Slade, Kentucky! This exhilarating event features a stunning 13.1-mile looping trail course, set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Red River Gorge. As you "Run the Red," you'll be supporting the dedicated search and rescue teams who work tirelessly to keep this area safe.

Participants can look forward to a range of exciting features, including commemorative long-sleeved performance shirts, custom finisher's medals, and live music from a DJ to celebrate your accomplishment. With awards for the top finishers in various age groups and a complimentary West Sixth beer for those ages 21 and older, this event promises a fantastic atmosphere. Enjoy delicious food from local vendors and the option for team participation to make this race even more memorable. Join us for a trail running experience like no other and be part of this special celebration in one of the most scenic locations in the United States!

Organiser's Description



Join us as we run in one of the most spectacular trail settings in the United States and provide support to the men and women who serve on the search & rescue teams that regularly save lives in the Red River Gorge area.


* Spectacular 13.1 mile looping trail course on private property in the scenic Red River Gorge
* Commemorative long sleeved performance shirts (Men's & Women's sizes)
* Custom 10th Anniversary Finisher's Medals
* Lively DJ playing great music to celebrate the accomplishment of all finishers
* Overall Top 3 M/F and Top 3 M/F in the following age groups (0-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65+)
* Free Race Photos (Thanks Ruby Cline-Eaton)
* A complimentary West Sixth beer for all racers (21 & older)
* Food Truck, Berserker Brew Coffee and great snacks & fruit
* Run The Red Teams (New for 2024) - Teams of 5 or more SAVE $5/team member
* Convenient Thursday Packet Pickup in Lexington, Friday PPU in Slade, KY
* Great camping and lodging options in the RRG
* A trail running_ EXPERIENCE_ like none other!


COURSE HYDRATION: Our race is cup less. Please bring a water bottle or self hydration system. We will have SWORD hydration and water at the start area and water at 5 locations along the 13.1 mile route.

PACKET PICKUP (PPU): Our packet pickup will be held on Friday, 10/4/24 from 4-8pm at the Natural Bridge Campground (pavilion). This is the race venue. We will also hold last chance PPU on race morning (Saturday, 10/5/24) from 5:45-7am at the same location. The address for Natural Bridge Campground is 90 L&E Railroad Place, Slade, KY 40376


Please check out the race website and our FB page for more info and updates and reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions.


  • Half Marathon

    Incl. $8.10 Fee & Long Sleeved Poly/Cotton T-Shirt (Unisex/Men's)

    Sat 4th October 2025 (7:15AM EDT)


    Race is a Half Marathon (13.1 Miles) Trail Race with a 5.5 hour time limit (25 min/mile pace). Awards for Top 3 M/F Overall and 5 Year Age Divisions. Participants receive a commemorative Rugged Red performance shirt and can earn a finisher's medal by finishing the race in the designated time limit.
  • VIRTUAL Half Marathon

    Incl. $7.50 Fee & Long Sleeved Poly/Cotton T-Shirt (Unisex/Men's)


    Can't run The Rugged Red in person but want to support our great cause? Consider signing up as a Virtual Runner/Walker/Hiker. For a $50 donation you can run/walk/hike your own Rugged Red Half Marathon on your own schedule on your own trails. We'll mail you your commemorative race shirt and finisher's medal. (Optional) You have the option of logging your time or indicating completion of our virtual 13.1 on the race website.
  • Race Volunteer

    Incl. Long Sleeved Poly/Cotton T-Shirt (Unisex/Men's)

    Sat 4th October 2025 (6:00AM EDT)


    We will need 15-20 enthusiastic volunteers to work a race day shift to make this race great. If you sign up we'll be in touch with you to determine the best fit for you in terms of volunteer hours and role/job at the race.


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Natural Bridge Campground, 90 L&E Railroad Place, Slade, 40376, KY, United States

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Oct 4, 2025

Free - $78.10