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Your local event needs you.

Over the last year, running has experienced a boom like never before. During the lockdowns, 8 million people pulled on their trainers and hit the road, many for the first time. People experienced the huge benefits to mental and physical wellbeing that comes with the simple act of running.

However, UK race organisers are reporting that the boom in running is not yet translating into participation in events. Entries for events over the next few months are critically low. Many event organisers are not confident of being able to survive through to next year. Founder David Wearn explains, โ€œduring the course of the pandemic, running events have seen a ยฃ65m drop in booking revenue. With public confidence not yet fully recovered many events, especially locally-run events that do so much to bring communities together, wonโ€™t exist next yearโ€.

Along with our partners, we're calling on runners to support their favourite local events, by signing up for their next event and encouraging friends to join them in getting a race in the diary.

How to help?

1. Book a race

Enter a race. Any race, not just those on

2. Shout about it

On Instagram or wherever you hang out, using #backtothestart

3. Tag your friends

Tag who you like to run and race with

20 million miles

Our research estimates that since the pandemic began, UK runners have missed out on a whopping 20 million miles of racing. Now events are back and proven to be ultra-low risk, the time put those lockdown miles to the test has come and your local events are ready and waiting for you. Show some love for your local events and let's see together how many of those 20 million miles we can claw back.


Thanks for the support from the people at...