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Canicross events 2024

Want to find Canicross events near you? You're in the right place. Canicross running, also known as dog running, is a fantastic way to stay active while enjoying quality time with your furry companion. Canicross events involve running with your dog, who is harnessed and attached to you by a bungee leash.

It's an ideal activity for dog owners who love outdoor adventures. So, lace up your running shoes, grab your pup's harness, and hit the trails for an unforgettable Canicross experience that combines fitness, fun, and the joy of shared moments with your four-legged running partner.

Take a look at our list of Canicross events in 2024 - 2025 below. There are loads of options for Canicross events near you.

Find A Race is the UK's most popular and comprehensive event listings website, with over 3 million users a year using our database to research, compare and book their next run, cycle or swim.

Canicross events 2024 - 2025

Canicross event FAQs

What is Canicross?

Canicross is a sport that involves running with a dog, where you are connected to your pup by a waist belt and a bungee line. It is a popular activity that allows individuals to combine their love for running and spending time with their furry companions.

What are the requirements for participating in Canicross events?

To take part in a Canicross event, your dog should be at least one year old and in good health. Your dog should be comfortable running alongside you for the duration of the event. It's also important to have a suitable Canicross harness and a waist belt that securely attaches you to your dog.

Are Canicross events suitable for all fitness levels?

Yes, Canicross events are often designed to accommodate participants of various fitness levels. Some events offer different race distances or categories, allowing participants to choose the option that suits their abilities. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced runner, there's usually a Canicross event suitable for you and your dog.

How do I train my dog for a Canicross event?

Training your dog for a Canicross event involves gradually building their endurance and teaching them basic commands such as "go," "stop," and "left" or "right." Regular running sessions, starting with shorter distances and gradually increasing the duration and intensity, can help condition your dog for the event. It's can also help to consult a professional trainer or Canicross expert to ensure the training process is safe and effective.

What should I bring to a Canicross event?

When attending a Canicross event, you should bring the necessary equipment, including a Canicross harness for your dog and a waist belt for yourself. It's also crucial to have a leash and collar, waste bags for clean-up, water and a portable water dish for your dog, and any essential supplies for your dog's comfort, such as towels or blankets. Additionally, it's a good idea to bring snacks, sunscreen, appropriate clothing, eg footwear suitable for running.