*To participate it is mandatory to run with a chip.
Article 1
Race Day: Sunday, April 3, 2022. Start/Finish: Passeig Pujades .
Article 2
The departure will take place at 8:30 a.m.
Article 3
The distance is 21,097 kilometers.
Article 4
The race is open to athletes of any nationality, federated or not. To participate you must be 16 years old on the day of the race.
Article 5
Those under 18 years of age and over 16 years of age need authorization from their parents or legal guardians in order to participate in the race. Before registering, they must contact the organization: [email protected] , to request the authorization that must be completed and signed by the parents or legal guardians. The organization is fully entitled to reject the registration of a minor if it does not previously have the authorization signed by the parents or legal guardians.
Article 6
Each runner participates in the eDreams Mitja Marató de Barcelona under their responsibility and has a sufficient level of physical condition to face the test. Participation in modalities that do not correspond to this athletics event, such as skates, skateboards, bicycles, handbikes and/or electric wheelchairs, among others, is not allowed.
Article 7
The output is structured in boxes. Each box is identified with a color and only those who have the back of the distinctive color of said box will be able to access them.
Article 8
Three sports categories with disabilities are established: wheelchair, visual impairment and intellectual disability.
-People with visual disabilities make the registration online and they will leave the first drawer. To opt for the classification and award for visual disability, it is necessary to attach a copy of the card certifying the disability to [email protected] after registering online. The guides will go without a chip and must be duly identified, making their registration through [email protected] , indicating their data (name and surname, ID, date of birth, mobile and e-mail address).
-People with intellectual disabilities can register online. To opt for the classification and award for intellectual disability, it is necessary to attach a copy of the card certifying the disability to [email protected] after registering online.
-People who participate in the wheelchair or athletics cart category will register online and must be at the starting line one hour before the start of the test. It is necessary, after registering online, to contact the organization at [email protected] .
The awards ceremony for the categories of wheelchairs, visual impairment and intellectual disability will be held provided that a minimum of 3 athletes have finished, whether they are men or women. The prizes will be delivered the same day of the race. You have to go to the podium area once the race is over to know the first, second and third position.
Article 9
The route is duly signposted and marked at each kilometer. Liquid refreshment points: at kilometers 5, 10 and 15 (approximately).
Article 10
The maximum time to take the test is 2h45. The closing car of the race will remain proportional to this time at km 10 and 15: athletes who do not meet the maximum required passing time will be eliminated.
Article 11
To participate in the race it is mandatory to run with a chip. The organization will provide a single-use chip to each participant that must be returned at the end of the test. The numbers must be clearly visible on the front of the trunk during the entire race.
Article 12
Those registered will be able to pick up the runner's bag, the bib number and the t-shirt, on the days indicated in the "Information" section. The fact of not withdrawing it in the established terms means the resignation of these.
Article 13
After picking up the number in the place indicated by the organization, the shirt will be collected in strict order of arrival, until the existence of the size ends. The organization cannot guarantee the size due to the fact that the order and manufacture of shirts is carried out before the closing of inscriptions.
Article 14
Registration will only be valid once payment has been made. Registration will be open until Monday, March 28, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. or, for circuit security reasons, until the maximum number of 22,500 registered is reached.
Article 15
Registration for the eDreams Mitja Marat in Barcelona is personal and non-transferable and implies acceptance of these regulations. Under no circumstances may it be transferred or sold to another person, friend or family member due to not being able to attend the test day. Any breach of this condition may invalidate your participation in the test and the organization reserves the right to exclude you from participation in future events.
Article 16
The organization of the eDreams Mitja Marató de Barcelona will not refund the registration fee due to injury and/or illness before, after or during the race, or for any reason unrelated to it. Under no circumstances may the registration be saved for future editions.
Article 17
The organization may modify the route, due to external causes and/or force majeure. Compliance with the approved circuit is subject at all times to approved renovations on public roads, which may cause small last-minute changes, unavoidable on the day of the race, but which will not affect the official distance.
Article 18
The participants explicitly allow their name, surname, gender, already or by birth to be published in the entry lists, as well as in the results, if they finish the race following the established regulations.
Article 19
The organization will have a civil liability insurance policy in accordance with current legislation. All participants will be covered by an accident insurance policy according to Royal Decree 849/1993, of June 4, which determines the minimum benefits of the Compulsory Sports Insurance:
1. Medical-surgical and sanatorium assistance in accidents occurring in the national territory, with no limits on expenses, and with a time limit of up to eighteen months from the date of the accident.
2. Pharmaceutical care in hospital, with no limit on expenses, and with a time limit of eighteen months from the date of the accident.
3. Hospital assistance, for the cost of prostheses and osteosynthesis material, in full, and with a time limit of eighteen months from the date of the accident.
4. The expenses originated by rehabilitation during the period of eighteen months from the date of the accident.
5. Medical-surgical, pharmaceutical and sanatorium assistance in accidents occurring abroad, up to a limit, for all concepts, of 6,000 euros, and with a time limit of up to eighteen months from the date of the accident. This benefit is compatible with compensation for anatomical or functional losses, caused by sports accidents, which are granted at the end of the treatment.
6. Compensation for anatomical or functional losses caused by sports accidents, with a minimum, for the severely disabled (tetraplegia), of 12,020.24 euros.
7. Aid for death, when it occurs as a result of an accident in sports practice, for an amount not less than 6,010.12 euros.
8. Aid for death, when it occurs in the practice of sports, but without its direct cause, for a minimum amount of 1,803.04 euros.
9. Expenses arising from the acquisition of orthopedic material to cure a sports accident (not prevention), for a minimum amount of 70% of the retail price of said orthopedic material.
10. Expenses originated in odonto-stomatology, for injuries to the mouth caused by a sports accident. These expenses will be covered up to 240.40 euros.
11. To participate in the race it is mandatory to run with a chip that is delivered at the time of collecting the number. The numbers will be clearly visible on the front of the shirt during the entire race.
12. Medical care in concerted centers or doctors in all the provinces of the national territory.
13. Free choice of concerted centers and facultatives throughout Spain.
Non-accidental injuries are not covered, such as, among others, the following:
- Non-traumatic tendinitis.
- Contractures, muscle pulls, overexertion.
- Degenerative lesions.
- Pathologies and degenerative, pre-existing, chronic injuries, non-traumatic tendinitis, knee pain or pain without traumatic origin (back pain, both knees, overexertion).
In general, all those injuries that do not have a traumatic origin.
- Home rehabilitation expenses.
- Orthosis acquisition expenses.
- Outpatient pharmacy expenses.
Article 20
The fact of enrolling in the race implies acceptance of these Regulations. The organization will decide on any incident that is not foreseen according to the long-distance race regulations of the Catalan Federation of Athletics (http://www.fcatletisme.cat/Ruta) as well as the IAAF regulations. SD