Run Silverstone

From The Race Organiser
- Date Sun 10th October 2021
- Time 09:30
- Location Silverstone Circuit, Silverstone, TOWCESTER. NN12 8TN
- Price £10.00 - £37.00
- Races 7 races
- Distances 10km, 5km, Half Marathon
Event summary
Run Silverstone
Sun 10th October 2021

Organiser's Description
Since this information is being updated frequently, if you have questions that are not answered below, please visit the Run Silverstone website for more comprehensive and up-to-date information about this event.
Final pre-race information will be communicated to all participants by the end of 5 October 2021.
If you’re participating this year, please consider running for Alzheimer’s Research UK to raise vital funds for dementia research. As the UK’s leading dementia research charity, Alzheimer’s Research UK is dedicated to diagnosis, prevention, treatment and cure. Their mission is to bring about the first life-changing treatment for dementia by 2025 and they need your support!
Join #TeamARUK
Run Silverstone 2019 won the RaceCheck Bronze Award and is one of the top-rated races in the UK, as judged by you!
Please be aware of the current Silverstone Circuits Ltd. policy that any entrant under 18 years of age on the day of the event must be accompanied by a participating adult. If you would like further information, or need to discuss specific circumstances, please contact us at [email protected].
On entering this event, you should receive booking confirmation within 5 minutes. If it does not arrive, please check your spam/junk folder. Further event details will be communicated via email (to the address provided during registration) in the week prior to the event.
Entry on the Day will not be available at this event.
Event Schedule
Enquiries: 7:00.
Start Times: Between 8:00 - 13:20. Allocated with respect to pace - prioritising quicker times to reduce overtaking and determined by the estimated finish time submitted during registration - and communicated prior to the event by email and/or SMS, these times may be subject to change.
Finish: 17:00.
COVID-19 Mitigation
NHS Test and Trace will be in operation at this event. Participants will be required to complete a health declaration prior to arrival and to check-in where possible using the NHS COVID-19 app (available to download in advance for iOS or Android). Any information obtained will be held for 21 days after the event only and will not be used for any other purpose. Participants may not be permitted on site if they fail to follow this process, the full requirements for which will be communicated to all pre-registered participants in the week prior to the event.
One-way navigation and social distancing signage will be present on site to facilitate adherence to official guidance. Queue markers must be observed at all times and sanitisation stations used as frequently as necessary.
Unless there have been any changes following communication of the final pre-event information, there will be no event briefing on the day. Participants should read the communication thoroughly to familiarise themselves with the event details.
Participants will start individually at 10-15 second intervals to maintain social distancing with a recommended 15-30 minute arrival window allocated and communicated prior to the event. Participants from the same household/bubble will be permitted to start together and should arrive/start at the later of any times communicated to these participants prior to the event. Whilst running, participants should only overtake when there is enough room (at least 1m) to do so.
Once finished, participants should continue moving and follow signage and steward directions to keep the area clear for other finishers. Any post-event rewards (medal, water etc.) will be self-service (following hand-sanitisation) to ensure there is no contact amongst staff and participants.
Participants are asked to review the UKA Participant Code of Conduct prior to their arrival.
Event Details
Bib Numbers will be mailed to all participants that have entered by midnight on the Sunday prior to the event and have provided a valid UK address during registration. When a bib number cannot be mailed due to an incomplete/invalid address - and in cases where a number does not arrive - participants can collect a new/replacement bib at the event. Participants need not contact us with respect to delivery of their bib number but should be prepared to show their booking confirmation on arrival if requested.
To be fastened to the front of your top using safety pins provided, your number should be visible at all times. Your timing chip is attached to the back of your number and should not be removed.
Results will be uploaded live to our website (internet connection permitting) and communicated to all pre-registered participants within 24 hours of the event.
All finishers will receive a Medal on completing the event and Prizes will be awarded to the top three places overall, and the top place in each of the veteran categories (V40/V50/V60/V70) for both females and males. Winners will be notified via email by the end of the following week where a presentation is not possible on the day.
Marshals will be present on the course throughout the event.
Course Markings, including arrows, tape and distance markers, will be visible on the course where necessary.
Photography will be provided at this event, a link to which will be communicated to all pre-registered participants within 24 hours of the event.
Suitable Medical Cover will be provided at the event in case of a medical emergency. Participants must provide, during registration, details of any pre-existing medical conditions, disabilities, medication or allergies that may be relevant in the administration of any medical assistance. Participants should also provide the same information on the reverse of their bib number (where applicable) prior to starting the event, marking a large, red X (or other contrasting colour, using the pens provided) to the front of their number to alert the medical provider to any such information.
Bag Drop will be available. Whilst we recommend bringing as little as possible, you can leave essential belongings with us while you run using the tear-off baggage strip on your bib number. You can then present your bib number after the event to retrieve your item(s).
Toilets and sanitisation stations will be available around the Start/Finish area for use throughout the event.
Refreshments are expected be available throughout the event.
There are no dedicated Changing Rooms/Showers at this event.
Lost Property from an event will be kept for one month. If unclaimed, or ownership cannot be determined, lost property items will be donated to charity.
Other Information
As a UK Athletics licensed event, the pushing of persons in any device is prohibited under the UKA Rules of Competition (including but not limited to a Wheelchair, Buggy, Pushchair, Stroller or similar).
As part of our ongoing COVID response, to ensure the opportunities for social distancing are maximised throughout our events, Spectators will not be permitted at this event.
Participants must not be accompanied by a personally owned or controlled Dog during the event. Entries may be accepted from participants with medical assistance dogs, subject to them being correctly registered and identifiable as such, and subject to prior approval by the Event Director.
This event is suitable for Wheelchair Users. who will start ahead of the first wave at approximately 8:00am.
Noise-cancelling Earphones/Headphones are prohibited and whilst we discourage the use of other earphones/headphones at this event, participants choosing to use them should ensure they are set to a low enough volume that instructions from marshals and/or other event officials can be clearly understood. We reserve the right to disqualify participants who cannot hear instructions as a result of their use.
Although this event takes place at a private venue, participants should remain vigilant of each other, spectators, marshals and any other persons at all times.
Whilst there is no strict Time-Limit for this event, in order that we adhere to the restrictions imposed by the hire agreement, it may be necessary for us to begin deconstruction of the course and/or start/finish area at approximately 17:00 to facilitate our departure from the premises by the agreed time. Participants will need to be able to complete their event by this time.
For event updates or future promotions, you can find Run Silverstone on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Family Mile
Sun 10th October 2021 (09:30)
Sun 10th October 2021 (10:00)
UK Athletics (UKA) save £2.00
Sun 10th October 2021 (10:00)
UK Athletics (UKA) save £2.00
Half Marathon
Sun 10th October 2021 (10:00)
UK Athletics (UKA) save £2.00
Wheelchair 10K
Sun 10th October 2021 (10:00)
UK Athletics (UKA) save £2.00
Wheelchair 5K
Sun 10th October 2021 (10:00)
UK Athletics (UKA) save £2.00
Wheelchair Half Marathon
Sun 10th October 2021 (10:00)
UK Athletics (UKA) save £2.00
Silverstone Circuit, Towcester, Northamptonshire NN12 8TN
How To Get There
Silverstone is conveniently situated right in the heart of the UK, approximately 90 minutes north of central London and 60 minutes south of Birmingham. Road access is exceptionally easy along the A43 dual carriageway from either the M40 or M1.
By public transport the nearest stations are Northampton, Banbury or Milton Keynes all of which offer fast connections to destinations throughout the country.
On Arrival and Departure
Please respect our neighbours and local residents by driving carefully and adhering to the speed limits through local villages.
What's Included
All finishers will receive a Medal on completing the event
Prizes will be awarded to the top three places overall, and the top place in each of the veteran categories (V40/V50/V60/V70) for both females and males.
Chip-timed result
Safe and secure bag drop
Water stations
Event Details
Bib Numbers will be mailed to all participants that have entered by midnight on the Sunday prior to the event and have provided a valid UK address during registration. When a bib number cannot be mailed due to an incomplete/invalid address - and in cases where a number does not arrive - participants can collect a new/replacement bib at the event. Participants need not contact us with respect to delivery of their bib number but should be prepared to show their booking confirmation on arrival if requested.
To be fastened to the front of your top using safety pins provided, your number should be visible at all times. Your timing chip is attached to the back of your number and should not be removed.
Results will be uploaded live to our website (internet connection permitting) and communicated to all pre-registered participants within 24 hours of the event.
Marshals will be present on the course throughout the event.
Course Markings, including arrows, tape and distance markers, will be visible on the course where necessary.
Photography will be provided at this event, a link to which will be communicated to all pre-registered participants within 24 hours of the event.
Suitable Medical Cover will be provided at the event in case of a medical emergency. Participants must provide, during registration, details of any pre-existing medical conditions, disabilities, medication or allergies that may be relevant in the administration of any medical assistance. Participants should also provide the same information on the reverse of their bib number (where applicable) prior to starting the event, marking a large, red X (or other contrasting colour, using the pens provided) to the front of their number to alert the medical provider to any such information.
Bag Drop will be available. Whilst we recommend bringing as little as possible, you can leave essential belongings with us while you run using the tear-off baggage strip on your bib number. You can then present your bib number after the event to retrieve your item(s).
Toilets and sanitisation stations will be available around the Start/Finish area for use throughout the event.
Refreshments are expected be available throughout the event.
There are no dedicated Changing Rooms/Showers at this event.
Lost Property from an event will be kept for one month. If unclaimed, or ownership cannot be determined, lost property items will be donated to charity.
Course Details
The route is contained within the Silverstone circuit so is traffic-free (with the exception of emergency vehicles and those with specific permission) and suitable for runners of all abilities. Please be vigilant of other runners, spectators and any other users of the venue whilst you race.
Event Schedule
Enquiries: 7:00.
Start Times: Between 8:00 - 13:20. Allocated with respect to pace - prioritising quicker times to reduce overtaking and determined by the estimated finish time submitted during registration - and communicated prior to the event by email and/or SMS, these times may be subject to change.
Half Marathon: 08:00 - 13:20. Open to entrants aged 17 and over on 10/10/2021
10K: 08:00 - 13:20. Open to entrants aged 15 and over on 10/10/2021
5K: 08:00 - 13:20. Open to entrants aged 11 and over on 10/10/2021
Wheelchair Half Marathon: 08:00. Open to entrants aged 17 and over on 10/10/2021
Wheelchair 10K: 08:00. Open to entrants aged 15 and over on 10/10/2021
Wheelchair 5K: 08:00. Open to entrants aged 11 and over on 10/10/2021
Finish: 17:00.
Other Information
As a UK Athletics licensed event, the pushing of persons in any device is prohibited under the UKA Rules of Competition (including but not limited to a Wheelchair, Buggy, Pushchair, Stroller or similar).
As part of our ongoing COVID response, to ensure the opportunities for social distancing are maximised throughout our events, Spectators will not be permitted at this event.
Participants must not be accompanied by a personally owned or controlled Dog during the event. Entries may be accepted from participants with medical assistance dogs, subject to them being correctly registered and identifiable as such, and subject to prior approval by the Event Director.
This event is suitable for Wheelchair Users. who will start ahead of the first wave at approximately 8:00am.
Noise-cancelling Earphones/Headphones are prohibited and whilst we discourage the use of other earphones/headphones at this event, participants choosing to use them should ensure they are set to a low enough volume that instructions from marshals and/or other event officials can be clearly understood. We reserve the right to disqualify participants who cannot hear instructions as a result of their use.
Although this event takes place at a private venue, participants should remain vigilant of each other, spectators, marshals and any other persons at all times.
Whilst there is no strict Time-Limit for this event, in order that we adhere to the restrictions imposed by the hire agreement, it may be necessary for us to begin deconstruction of the course and/or start/finish area at approximately 17:00 to facilitate our departure from the premises by the agreed time. Participants will need to be able to complete their event by this time.
Race Data, Insight & Analysis
The Run Silverstone Half Marathon is a fast race with good PB potential - in the last edition of the race the average finish time was less than 2 hours, more than 3 minutes faster than the average for UK Half Marathons:
1:58:41 Average Finish Time (all runners) - this is faster than the average for a UK Half Marathon (2:02:00) by 3 mins 19 seconds!
1:53:42 Average Finish Time for men at this event
2:11:16 Average Finish Time for women at this event
- 5
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
8 reviews

·5 years ago

·5 years ago

·5 years ago
Run Silverstone