How tos

Anything and everything you need to know about setting up your events and getting the most out of

Your profile

Your Race Organiser profile

Having a complete profile is a great way to show racers more about your organisation. Upload images, add your social links and provide information on your company. These will all be visible to everyone searching for events. Go to Settings - Profile to add all of your details.

Managing events

Adding Events

To add an event go to the Events section on your dashboard. Click the list an event button and fill out all of the required information. All events are manually checked by our team and will be live within 48 hours.

Edits and changes

If you need to add or edit any of the details of your event page go to Events. Hit the dropdown of the event and click edit.

Adding multiple editions of the same event

We have added a Relisting feature for this. Head to the Events section and hit List an event. Find the event you want to copy and hit Relist. You can edit and update any of the details before submitting.

Re-listing your event for this years edition

You should use the Relisting feature for this. Head to the Events section and hit List an event. Find the event you want to copy and hit Relist. You can edit and update any of the details before submitting.

Promoting your events

Additional promotion

We have built tools to get even more eyes on the events you want to give a real push. Learn more about them here.

Managing your entries

Viewing your entries

You can see all of your entries in the Events section of your dashboard. Click the dropdown and select view participants.

Exporting bookings

If we do not have an API integration with your registration provider then you will need to export your participants from Bookings are exported from within the Events section of your dashboard. Click the dropdown and select export participants csv.

Custom exports

Exports are now fully customisable. We can work with you to edit the format and make sure the export is exactly as you need. Get in touch with your Account Manager who can help you create this.


Getting reviews on your events

Reviews are a great way for people to learn more about your event and help generate more bookings. The best way to get more reviews on your event is to get in touch with participants just after the race. They should be full of the race day high and ready to say lot's of good things. Direct them to the event page on findarace and their review will be visible on all future versions of the race.

Responding to reviews

To respond to a review go to the Reviews section of the dashboard and hit respond.

Refunds and Transfers


Participants can now be refunded from within your event organiser dashboard with a few clicks. First you will need to find the participant you want to refund. There are 2 ways of doing this. Option 1 is to find the event from the Events section and hit View Participants from the dropdown. Click View on the participant you need to refund then click on the order reference at the top of the window. Scroll to the bottom and select Refund. Alternatively, if you have the order reference, go Orders to search by the order reference. Hit View on the participant, scroll to the bottom and select Refund.


For now transfers must be done by us. Send an email to [email protected] with the Order reference, Booking email, the race they booked and the race they need to be moved to. In the near future you will be able to do this within your dashboard.

Payments and banking

Adding payout information

Before you receive a payment you need to add your bank detail. This is found in Settings - Payments. Once this is added you will be added to the next cycle of payments. Remember that payments can take up to 7 days to get to you after the pay out date.

Setting payout frequency

You can choose to have your entries paid either weekly or monthly. Make the selection in Settings' - 'Payments. Weekly payments will be every Monday. Monthly payments will be on the 1st of the month. You will receive the payment in your bank account no later than 7 days after it is paid out. For example; if you have chosen to be paid out weekly. Bookings made between Monday 3rd and Sunday 9th will be paid out on Monday 10th. Payment will reach your bank account by the 17th. If you have chosen monthly pay-outs all bookings made in the month will be paid on the 1st of the following month. Payment will reach you by the 8th of that month.


Setting your notifications

You can set which notifications you would like to get from us including letting you know when you get a booking and when your event is reviewed. This can be done in the Notifications section of the dashboard.

Notification emails

Notifications can be sent to different emails. By default all notifications go to the account holder. Enter different emails if you would like these to go to another address. Go to Settings - Notifications and add in the emails for each notification type.